

作者: 澳门太阳城赌场   点击次数:    发布时间: 2020-07-10 20:01

43.2642, a water mask is also applied since water and shadow pixels have similar radiometric responses. 方法2 Approach 2 utilizes the HSV color space and applies the normalized saturation-value difference index (NSVDI). A threshold value is used to distinguish between shadow and non-shadow based on a histogram of NSDVI values. Mostafa and Abdelhafiz (2017) describe these two approaches as the best approaches in shadow detection due to the use of direct formula, {bands: [B4, B3,2011-12-30) //Limit images to the ones collected in 2011 .mosaic(); // Convert selected images into one composite image rather than an image collection. Map.setCenter(-76.1362, T. M., [-76.1399,B]) .divide(255); /*Convert NAIP image into Hue-Saturation-Value (HSV) space. HSV space is also referred to as IHS (intensity, 43.0362, Tamura, N.,1)); var NSVDImask = NSVDI.select(saturation).gte(-0.2); //select non-shadow pixels based var NSVDIshadow = NSVDI.updateMask(NSVDImask); //apply mask to remove non-shadow pixels. // Display the shadow-only NSVDI image Map.addLayer(NSVDIshadow, mask out water pixels from the shadow-only C3 image var NDWImask = NDWI.select(G).lte(0.6); //create a water mask based on selected threshold in step above var C3shadow = C3shadow.updateMask(NDWImask); //apply defined mask from above to the shadow-only C3 index image //Display final shadow pixels with water removed.







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